Ways to Support the Cataumet Schoolhouse
Cataumet Schoolhouse Preservation Group Membership and Matching Grant Donations
The Cataumet Schoolhouse depends on the generosity of individuals in the community, like you. Please become a member and make a valuable donation to help preserve our Schoolhouse. Print out this page and mail it along with your donation to the address below. The CSPG is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and your contribution is tax deductible. Thank you!
Cataumet Schoolhouse Preservation Group Membership Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Summer Address: __________________________________________________________________
Winter Address: __________________________________________________________________
Phone(s): _______________________________ Email:____________________________________
Membership: ______$15 Individual ______$20 Family Optional Contribution_________$
Donation to our Matching Grant Program: ___________________$ In honor of:__________________________________________ In memory of:________________________________________
Make checks payable and mail to:
Cataumet Schoolhouse Preservation Group, Inc. (CSPG), P.O. Box 649, Cataumet, MA 02534